Danica A. Roem’s political journey is marked not only by her historic achievements as the first openly transgender person elected to both houses of a state legislature but also by her unique blend of personal passion and strategic acumen. Beyond her legislative work, Roem’s background as a former journalist and her deep-rooted love for heavy metal music has significantly shaped her approach to politics. This unconventional mix has allowed her to connect with a broad spectrum of constituents while driving forward policies that prioritize infrastructure, social justice, and civil rights. Roem’s ability to integrate her distinct personal experiences into her political persona has contributed to her continued success in the Virginia General Assembly.

Roem, a Democrat, began her political career in the Virginia House of Delegates in 2018, representing the 13th district after defeating a long-standing Republican incumbent known for his anti-LGBTQ+ stance. Her election to the Virginia Senate in 2023 further solidified her place in history, making her the first openly transgender person elected to a state senate in the Southern United States. Before her political career, Roem spent over a decade in journalism, a profession that honed her understanding of policy issues and informed her legislative priorities. Throughout her time in office, she has been a staunch advocate for freedom of the press, having co-sponsored a bill to protect student journalists’ rights. Her legislative record is notable for its focus on transportation, healthcare, and expanding civil rights, with Roem often navigating the challenges of transphobic discrimination with resilience and an unyielding focus on policy over identity.

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A unique element of Roem’s life is how her passion for heavy metal music intersects with her political career. A former frontwoman of a melodic death metal band, Roem credits female-led metal bands for inspiring her to enter politics, seeing parallels between commanding a stage and leading in the political arena. Her memoir, Burn the Page: A True Story of Torching Doubts, Blazing Trails, and Igniting Change, released in 2022, delves into these influences, revealing a journey from a struggling journalist to a celebrated politician. Roem’s candid discussions about her experiences, both personal and professional, underscore her belief in the power of visibility and representation, offering hope and inspiration to marginalized communities across the country.