Sadie Lincoln, Co-Founder and CEO of barre3, has cultivated a fitness empire by challenging traditional definitions of success. Drawing from her unconventional upbringing in a counterculture environment, Lincoln has created a fitness movement that emphasizes body positivity, empowerment, and community. Rather than focusing solely on physical transformation, barre3 encourages participants to develop wisdom and confidence in their bodies as they are. This approach has resonated globally, with over 185 franchise studios and a substantial online presence, demonstrating that authenticity and holistic values can drive success in the fitness industry.

Lincoln’s journey to success is deeply rooted in her unique childhood. Raised in a close-knit community in Taos, New Mexico, without a traditional family structure, she was surrounded by strong, independent women who collectively raised their children. This environment instilled in her a deep appreciation for community and self-awareness, which she later channeled into her business. After struggling in school, Lincoln found her passion in group exercise, eventually leading her to a successful career in the fitness industry. However, despite achieving professional milestones, she realized that the corporate world’s pressures were taking a toll on her health and well-being, prompting her to build a fitness brand aligned with her core values.

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One of the most compelling aspects of Lincoln’s leadership is her willingness to embrace vulnerability and failure. After facing criticism from her team during a difficult period, she chose to share the feedback openly and work on improving her leadership style. This shift from a culture of perfection to one that values authenticity and growth has strengthened her company’s foundation. Lincoln’s journey reflects the importance of staying true to one’s values and the power of creating a supportive environment where both leaders and team members are encouraged to fail and learn. Today, barre3 continues to thrive, proving that success in business can be redefined by embracing authenticity and community.