Director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, a multiple Academy Award and Emmy Award winner, has long been known for her powerful documentaries on challenging subjects such as honor killings and acid attacks. Her latest project, the Hulu documentary "Diane von Furstenberg: Woman in Charge," co-directed with Trish Dalton, delves into the life of the iconic fashion designer and entrepreneur. Obaid-Chinoy highlights von Furstenberg's struggles as a single working mother and her journey to success in a male-dominated world. The documentary not only showcases Diane's impact on the fashion industry but also reflects on her personal history, including her mother’s survival of Auschwitz, and her own experiences navigating societal expectations.

Chinoy’s relationship with von Furstenberg spans nearly a decade, marked by their shared commitment to empowering women. The film emphasizes Diane's sexual fluidity, resilience, and defiance of societal norms, promoting the message that women should live authentically and be celebrated for their choices. The documentary features candid interviews with von Furstenberg’s family, friends, and notable figures like Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, and Gloria Steinem. As Obaid-Chinoy prepares to direct a "Star Wars" feature, she continues to break barriers, bringing diverse perspectives to mainstream cinema and challenging the status quo in powerful storytelling.

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