Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai have co-produced a new documentary titled "Bread and Roses," which highlights the plight of Afghan women under Taliban rule following the US troop withdrawal in 2021. The documentary, directed by Afghan filmmaker Sahra Mani, tells the stories of three women: Sharifa, who is confined at home due to the new laws, Zahra, an activist who is imprisoned, and Taranom, who seeks refuge in Pakistan. Through their experiences, the film delves into the loneliness, resilience, and resistance of Afghan women facing severe oppression.

Lawrence was inspired to take action after being deeply moved by news reports about the struggles of Afghan women. She questioned global leaders' commitment to gender equality and decided to use her platform to amplify the voices of those affected. Lawrence emphasized the importance of storytelling in activism, hoping the film will bring sustained attention to the ongoing resistance of Afghan women. Yousafzai echoed these sentiments, urging the public to hold their leaders accountable for protecting women's rights and ensuring girls' education in Afghanistan. Both Lawrence and Yousafzai aim to pressure governments to address the human rights abuses occurring under the Taliban's regime.

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