
Shani Dhanda Is Breaking Down Barriers

Shani Dhanda is an award-winning disability specialist, listed as one of the U.K.’s most influential people. She advocates for inclusion across business, government, and wider society, and helps organizations remove obstacles to integrating inclusion into their business frameworks.
When she was young…

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Jennifer Doudna Leads The Way For Women In Science With Pioneering Work In Gene Editing

Growing up surrounded by the natural beauty of Hawaii and with a sense of scientific curiosity encouraged by her parents at every step, it’s no wonder that Jennifer Doudna has made a career out of learning more about the underlying biological mechanisms of life. The long list of credentials and awards to her name clearly shows that her years of work are bearing fruit that will grow our understanding of the world around us for generations…

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Jane Goodall’s Life of Service To The Environment Makes Enormous Impact

While not everybody has the opportunity to spend their life researching and advocating for nature the way Jane Goodall has, her life serves as an example of the profound cumulative impact years of small actions can have upon the world around us. Born Valerie Jane-Morris-Goodall on April 3, 1934, she had a passion for animals and Africa from a young age, keeping a stuffed chimpanzee named Jubilee instead of a teddy bear…

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