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Paula Bernstein

Paula Bernstein


David Burke Hospitality Management


VP of Sales & Marketing


New York

Award Year:



Paula M. Bernstein, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, is a keystone to the proven success of the powerful effectiveness of the David Burke Hospitality Management brand. Working with many varied and unique hospitality partners, Paula is a positive force who pulls together all of the various tentacles to reach an agreed upon goal. Using the culmination of her 20-plus years of experience as a world-renowned experiential event director and sales manager for multibillion-dollar corporations, Paula employs a valuable, multifaceted skill set that allows her to work seamlessly with many clients, each owning a unique hospitality company with distinctive demographics and style of doing business. She does this by symbiotically living and breathing the client company’s numerous attributes while simultaneously upholding and maximizing the David Burke brand for the client’s benefit. Her tailored approach has placed their partner companies well ahead of their competition. As an accomplished leader and intuitive manager, Paula uses her interpersonal and high-level communication skills to motivate and challenge the many managers she interacts with within each account. From an owner to a CFO to executive chef and managers, Paula is able to keep all involved engaged and focused on the David Burke Hospitality’s mission and its end goals. Paula’s natural talent as a relationship builder allows her to lead complex individual marketing campaigns for each of their clients as she interacts with many marketing and publishing venues. She uses her creative spirit, her global exposure to many different cultures and her passion for the hospitality business to create distinctive, innovative and effective marketing solutions all the while working within and maximizing a client’s marketing budget.

Areas of Expertise

Company Overview
